actual value
Conversely, a false negative is a data instance where the model predicts it should be negative, but the actual value is positive. 同样地,假负指的是这样一个数据实例:我们创建的这个模型预测它应该是负的,但事实相反,实际值却是正的。
These variables are replaced with the actual value when the routine is generated. 当例程生成时,这些变量可用实际值替换。
If the value is lobified, it shows the size of the locator referencing the actual value. 如果是大对象化的值,那么它显示引用实际值的定位符的宽度。
The Extra-plan Time is also the actual value and no utilization rate considered. Extra-plan时间就是实际的值,不会考虑使用频率。
Template filters allow you to substitute that variable declaration with an actual value that you establish at runtime. 模板过滤器允许您用在运行时建立的实际的值代替变量声明。
It compares the expected value to the actual value read from the event occurrence data to determine if duplicate events were consolidated. 它会比较预期的值和从事件发生数据读取的实际值,从而判断是否整合了重复事件。
The actual value will be provided on the first RPG keyed IO operation. 实际值将在第一个RPG键IO操作发生时提供。
When you use the actual value in the query, the optimizer will be able to calculate the estimation based on the real value. 如果您在查询中使用实际值,那么优化器将能够基于真实值来计算评估值。
It requires an integer argument, errno, which should be the actual value of the global errno variable. 它需要整数参数errno,该参数应该是全局errno变量的实际数值。
This tells Clojure to de-reference the pointer and gives you the actual value. 这告知Clojure取消对指针的引用,并给出真实值。
The actual value is passed to the pre-compiled query as a parameter at runtime. 实际值在运行时作为一个参数传递到预编译的查询。
Deltas: A delta trace passes in a number, but the actual value supplied to ( or interpreted by) the APM system is the delta between this measurement and the preceding one. 增量:增量跟踪将传递一个数值,但提供给APM系统(或由APM系统解释)的实际值是此度量与前一度量之间的增量。
The cardinality estimate is slightly higher than the actual value of4 since the column group statistic is a uniform distribution statistic. 由于列组统计信息是一个均匀分布的统计信息,所以基数估计值比实际值4稍高了一些。
The method assert compares an expected value to an actual value for the particular test scenario. 这个方法assert在这个特殊的测试情景下,将期望值与实际值进行了对比。
The actual value binding code for this revised setProperties method is also somewhat different, as shown here. 这个修订后的setProperties方法实际的值绑定代码也有些不同,如下所示。
The actual value of OCAPROOT depends on where you installed the OCAP RI binaries. OCAPROOT的实际值取决于OCAPRI二进制文件的安装位置。
When the expected and actual value don't match, a message is generated explaining what went wrong. 当预期值和实际值不相符时,生成一个消息来指出错误。
Therefore, it is very actual value to carry out the research of outdoor environmental thermal comfort. 因此,展开户外热环境舒适性研究具有现实意义。
In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard. 换句话说,将房屋的保险价值低估于其实际价值,以此来防范道德风险。
Formula of circulating coefficient actual value calculated according to fan actual performance and characteristic dimension is discussed. 探讨了依据通风机实际性能和特性尺寸计算环流系数实际值的公式。
The rarity value of the Olympic Games to broadcasters has enhanced its actual value. 奥运会对转播商的珍贵价值已经强化了其实际价值。
Some local government officials have delusions of grandeur far in excess of their actual value to the community. 一些地方政府官员对自己的夸大妄想,远远超出了他们对社区产生的实际价值。
Each assertion creates a constraint object under the hood which evaluates the expected value against the actual value. 每个断言其实都在背后创建了一个约束对象,用来比较期待值和实际值。
The amount of money of deduction input is greater than the actual value, operate is cancel. 输入的扣除金额大于实际金额,操作被取消。
Due to errors of hydrological frequency calculation, the deviation between the estimated value and actual value causes the design of water conservancy projects to be insecure. 在水文频率计算中由于误差的存在,使得估计值与实际值之间存在偏差,这种偏差导致在水利工程设计中产生了不安全因素。
Under many circumstances, there is no relation between the book value, per share and the actual value. 在许多情况下,每股帐面价值与其实际价值之间没有关系。
But, because of the market speculation behavior, warrant price was once seriously deviate form its actual value. 而认股权证一经推出便受到了市场的追捧,使得其市场价格严重偏离了实际价值。
With the actual value of production and achieved good economic benefits. 具有实际生产应用价值,取得了良好的经济效益。
Indicates the property to use as the actual value for the items in the control. 指示用作控件中项的实际值的属性。
Consequently, the market price of the dairy product has been oppressed far below its actual value. 结果,牛奶的市场价格,被压得远低于其实际生产成本。
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