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2024-11-25 来源:互联网转载

n.榴弹; 手榴弹; 枪榴弹




榴弹;手榴弹;枪榴弹a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a gun


N-COUNT 手榴弹;榴弹A grenade or a hand grenade is a small bomb that can be thrown by hand.A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.一枚手榴弹掷向了陆军巡逻队。


A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol. 一枚手榴弹掷向了陆军巡逻队。

Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back 西蒙接住手榴弹,又把它大力掷了回去。

He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade. 他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。

Police were criticized for a slow initial response to the Wednesday night shootings and grenade blasts. 而人们批评警方对星期三夜里发生的枪击和手榴弹爆炸案反应迟缓。

Police arrested the man at the scene and found he was carrying a dummy grenade and a knife, authorities said. 官方消息说,警方现场就逮捕了嫌疑人,并发现他带了一个仿制手榴弹和一把刀。

This is a stun grenade. 这是一个击昏手榴弹。

I took a grenade belt. 我拿了个炸弹腰带。

drop a grenade when a turret opens, but beware of bullets being fired at you. 当角楼打开的时候,扔出手榴弹,一定要注意躲避射向你的子弹。

Evasion no longer works with knife or grenade attacks. 不再逃避刀或手榴弹攻击作品。

Plan your attacks with the Sheep, Holy Hand Grenade and the Banana Bomb! 计划与羊,圣手榴弹和香蕉炸弹的袭击!

And with the Hallucination Grenade, you can be assured that it is your most explosive one as well! 而有了“幻觉手雷”,你同样可以确信这是最具爆炸性的武器了!

We had the grenades, but it is very hard to knock out a tank with a hand grenade! 虽然我们有手榴弹,但是想要只用一颗手榴弹就彻底干掉一辆坦克是非常困难的!

His footstep triggered off the hand grenade. 他的脚步触发了手榴弹。

Otherwise, the hand grenade has not appeared is essential. 要不然,手榴弹就没有出现的必要了。

She had a grenade in her hand. 她手上有个手榴弹。

He killed two policemen with a grenade. 他用一颗手榴弹炸死了两名警察。

There was a gun and grenade attack on the army offices this morning. 今天早上发生了对军部的枪击和手榴弹袭击。

A second grenade was thrown. 他们又扔出了一颗手榴弹。

They took rocket-propelled grenade launchers, AK-47s and anti-aircraft guns. 他们带着火箭推进榴弹发射器、AK-47和防空机枪(加入义军)。

This made use of a modified rifle with a blank cartridge to propel the grenade. 这使得一个空白磁带的修改,以推动使用步枪手榴弹。

I was blinded by a German grenade during a night patrol near Caen. 一次在法国卡昂附近的夜晚巡逻中,我被德国的手榴弹炸瞎了双眼。

Research on Grenade Damage Model in the Infantry Combat Simulation 步兵作战仿真中的榴弹毁伤模型研究

His words had the effect of a neatly thrown grenade. 他的话就象干净利落地投了一颗手榴弹。

He bounced a grenade right off a tree. 他扔的手榴弹从树上弹了回来。

If you don't mind me throwing this grenade up in this helicopter. 如果你不介意我往这架直升飞机里扔手榴弹。

It also can be fitted with an under-barrel grenade launcher or with a knife bayonet. 它也可能配备有一个在枪管下榴弹发射器或使用一个小刺刀。

This segmentation was thought to aid fragmentation and increase the grenade's deadliness. 这被认为分割分裂和增加援助手榴弹的致命性。

Witnesses said police encircled areas around the embassy after the grenade exploded. 目击者说,在手榴弹爆炸之后,警方立即包围大使馆周围一带。

A hand grenade is a missile weapon. 手榴弹是一种投掷武器。



a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile

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