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2024-11-25 来源:互联网转载

n.集中力量的行动; 闪击式行动; 突袭; 闪电战; 1940年德国对英国的空袭




集中力量的行动;闪击式行动something which is done with a lot of energy

an advertising/ a media blitz (= a lot of information about sth on television, in newspapers, etc.) 集中火力的广告 / 媒体宣传

突袭;闪电战a sudden attack

Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。

a blitz on passengers who avoid paying fares对逃票乘客的突袭检查

I've had a blitz on the house (= cleaned it very thoroughly) .我彻底清扫了房子。

1940年德国对英国的空袭the German air attacks on Britain in 1940


用闪电战空袭(或毁坏)to attack or damage a city by dropping a large number of bombs on it in a short time


VERB 以闪电战空袭;以闪电战攻击If a city or building is blitzed during a war, it is attacked by bombs dropped by enemy aircraft.In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night...1940年秋,伦敦平均每晚遭到200架飞机的空袭。

They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。

德军对英国城市的空袭,伦敦大轰炸(1940年至1941年间)The heavy bombing of British cities by German aircraft in 1940 and 1941 is referred to as the Blitz.

N-COUNT 努力;下工夫If you have a blitz on something, you make a big effort to deal with it or to improve it.Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.地方口音还可以接受,但要下大力气纠正语法错误。

N-COUNT (为吸引注意力的)大规模活动An advertising or publicity blitz is a major effort to make the public aware of something.On December 8 the media blitz began in earnest.12月8日,一场大规模媒体宣传活动轰轰烈烈地展开了。


In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night 1940年秋,伦敦平均每晚遭到200架飞机的空袭。

They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns. 他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。

Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar. 地方口音还可以接受,但要下大力气纠正语法错误。

On December 8 the media blitz began in earnest. 12月8日,一场大规模媒体宣传活动轰轰烈烈地展开了。

I am old enough to remember the Blitz, but only just 伦敦空袭那阵我已开始记事,但也只是仅仅有些模糊的印象。

The automaker immediately launches a full-court publicity blitz to snare the 2014 Award for the Chevrolet Corvette. 获奖后,通用立刻发起了全面的闪电宣传攻势,意在让雪佛兰科尔维特(Corvette)夺取2014年该奖项。

But because it's a bit unclear, Blitz makes you think of an array as a matrix. 但是这样有点不清楚,所以Blitz使您把数组看作矩阵。

But, Blitz does have two basic virtues. 但是,Blitz确实有两个基本优点。

The blitz went on for years. 闪电攻势持续了好几年。

Another new Arms talent called Blitz will make the Charge ability hit for extra damage. 另一种人才的新武器叫闪电战将使充电能力额外损失严重。

We're going to have a blitz on the house and get it all decorated by christmas. 我们要对那幢房子进行奂击装修,在圣诞节之前把它全部装饰完毕。

We see her and her new husband unwillingly but bravely taking up the crown after his elder brother's abdication& and, finally, the king and queen's courage and humanity during the Blitz. 我们看到她和她的新丈夫不情愿,但勇敢地接手后,他的哥哥退位的冠,最后,国王和王后的勇气和人类在纳粹闪电战。

I have been asked how I felt in the Blitz. 有人问我闪击战期间的感受。

After years of fierce lobbying and months of secrecy, Beijing unveiled five mascots for the2008 Olympics on Friday, opening a marketing blitz that is expected to reap record profits. 在经过了几年激烈的选拔和几个月的保密工作后,北京周五终于揭开了2008年奥运会五个吉祥物的神秘面纱,纪念品迅速抢占了市场,期待创造收益新高。

Let's have a blitz on the paperwork. 让我们突击一下文字工作。

A word borrowed from another language; e.g.` blitz 'is a German word borrowed into modern English. 从其他语言中借来的单词;比如德语中的`blitz'借于现代英语。

I must have a blitz to get my room tidy. 为把房间搞整洁我必须做好多活。

She was killed in the blitz. 她是在大轰炸中丧生的。

The federal government and national housing policies have a limited impact on a local level. “我没有看到任何一个总统为房产市场负责”StevenBlitz说,一个纽约的ITG投资研究公司的高级经济师,联邦政府和国家防政策在地方水平上有一个限制性的影响。

He asks her to play a game of Blitz. 他希望和她一起玩“突击”。

Let's blitz this thing! 让我们闪击那个东西!

A year ago, Apple sold 1m units of the iPhone 3GS in a similar three-day launch blitz. 一年前,苹果公司在类似的3天发行攻势中售出了100万部iPhone3G手机。

Some pundits want the government to launch a publicity blitz to urge ordinary Japanese to spend more. 有的学者希望政府能来一场公开宣传的“闪电战”,以此来督促普通的日本民众增加开销。

In Croydon a family-owned furniture store that had survived the Blitz succumbed to arson. 在克里登,一家家庭经营的家具店逃过了二战时德国对英国的空袭,却没有躲过暴徒纵火的毒手。

The people who lived in London during the blitz certainly experienced hard times. 在猛烈空袭期间,居住在伦敦的人们必定经历了困难时期。

We have to have the merchandise ready for the christmas sale blitz. 我们得准备好那商品以备圣诞节销售旺季。

We had a blitz on the house at the weekend and cleaned it completely. 我们周末突击打扫了房子并彻底打扫干净了。

I expect it to be more of a tug of war than a blitz. 我认为,拉锯战的可能性大于闪电战。

The word "blitz" means an attack or campaign. 闪电战指一次攻击或一次战役。

I've had a blitz on the house. 我彻底清扫了房子。



a swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment


(American football) defensive players try to break through the offensive line

Synonym:safety blitzlinebacker blitzing


attack suddenly and without warning

Hitler blitzed Poland
