security code
Most Java security code works with private keys and digital certificates using keystores. 大多数Java安全代码都使用keystore来处理私有密匙和数字证书。
Some efforts to improve the quality of web services security code have been made, including the work of an industry-wide organization and vendor-driven interoperability testing. 业界为提高web服务安全性代码质量做了很多努力,包括业内组织机构的工作和供应商驱动的互操作性测试。
I'll wrap up the discussion by presenting a four-point strategy that lets you use Acegi to secure beans in your JSF applications without writing any Java security code. 最后,总结四点策略,可以让您不用编写任何Java代码就能够使用Acegi在JSF应用程序中保护bean。
Acegi is intended to be an alternative to writing Java security code. Acegi的目的是避免编写Java安全代码。
In this article and the preceding one, you focused on JSF applications and learned how you can secure your JSF applications without writing any Java security code. 在本文和前一篇文章中,主要关注了JSF应用程序,学习了如何在不编写任何Java安全性代码的情况下保护JSF应用程序。
Writing the security code that defines who can access and use the data. 编写安全代码,它将定义有权访问并使用数据的人员。
The primary risk of developing a custom authorization solution is the reasonably high likelihood of creating an unmaintainable mess of spaghetti security code, worse than the original problem. 开发自定义授权解决方案的主要风险是不可避免地创建大量不可维护的重复安全代码,结果比原始问题更糟。
Usability: How easy is it to configure the security code? 可用性:配置安全性代码有多容易?
After developing the application, you can follow the four configuration steps to deploy Acegi without writing any Java security code. 开发应用程序之后,可以按照以上四个配置步骤部署Acegi,无需编写任何Java安全性代码。
select security code and confirm with. 选择安全编码并用确认。
When you built the excel Workbook project, the wizard added a new security code group and a child code group to the runtime security policy at the user level. 生成excel工作簿项目时,向导会在用户级别向运行库安全策略添加新的安全代码组和子代码组。
For one thing, it says that we have to supply our security code, and for another is specifies monthly payment in advance, and I told you both of those were out of the question. 首先,是关于我们必须提供我们的安全密码,其次是在指定月预先付款,我告诉过你这两点是绝对做不到的。
What's the security code for the count room? 出纳室的安全密码是多少?
Security code must be exactly 4 characters-letters and numbers only. 安全代码必须是仅由字母和数字构成的四位字符。
Security code must be selected and confirmed with. 安全代码必须进行选择,并用确认。
He punched in the security code. 他把密码输入电脑。
Enter security code and confirm with f7. 输入安全代码并按f7键确认。
Security Code is locked and has to be reset. 安全代码被锁定,必须重新设置。
Security Code is needed to access the requested resource 安全代码要求访问申请的资源
Since 2006 Beijing has put in place the office of security Commercial Code Administration ( oscca), responsible for supervising and certifying encryption-related products and their suppliers. 2006年,中国成立了负责监督和认证加密类产品及其供应商的国家商用密码管理办公室(oscca)。
Users may execute identification check in the following order: A.through the security code on the carton; 用户可以根据以下顺序进行防伪查询:包装盒的产品真伪查询码;
Danny: Do I have to write down the credit card number, the expiration date, and the security code on the back? 我必须要把信用卡号,截止日期还有卡背面的安全密码写下来吗?
As long as you remember the security code on the back of your credit card, you` re going to find your way there. Oh, yes you are. 只要你记得信用卡后的安全密码,你就能在购物网站上找到你的天地。
The structure of analog macrocells in IC card with security code is described. Operational principles of the EEPROM and charge pump are elaborated in detail. 介绍了逻辑加密卡模拟宏单元电路的结构,详细阐述了该电路中EEPROM及电荷泵的工作原理。
Improving the reusability of security code by using Aspect-Oriented Programming is proposed. 提出采用面向特性编程技术解决安全功能代码可重用问题。
The implementation of the Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS, International Ship& Port Facility Security Code ( ISPS) has involved with various preparative. 实施SOLAS公约第XI-2章及《国际船舶和港口保安规则》(ISPS),涉及到多方面的准备工作。
Introducing the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code 浅谈国际船舶和港口设施保安规则
The synthesis of codes in VHDL and its verification are discussed. It is demonstrated that the proposed method is a versatile technique for designing IC cards with programmable security code. 最后给出了VHDL代码的综合及其验证,说明该设计方法是一种通用性很强的逻辑加密IC卡设计方法。
All those must be beneficial to improving programmers 'security code consciousness. 对于提高广大编程人员的安全编码意识具有一定指导意义。
First, the standards of Data Matrix two-dimensional barcode as security code in digital postage stamp was briefly introduced, following 3DES encryption algorithm was described. 文中首先简要介绍了DataMatrix二维条码作为防伪码在数字邮资戳印的标准,并介绍了与标准相关的3DES加密技术。