digital channel
网络数字频道; 数字信道; 数字通道; 杉崎夏希
Gleaning free insights from the digital channel does not stop at the web, however. 然而,从数字频道上搜集免费见解并不局限在网上。
The subject is a software design of digital channel simulator console. 本课题所做的是一个数字信道模拟器控制台的软件设计。
Making the most of every channel and making the most of every little opportunity within the digital channel only adds to the mix, and perhaps in a more cost effective way. 每个通道和数字通道内的每一点机会,只是增加了进来,也许这更具成本效益。
Research on the Algorithms of the Digital Channel Network Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model 基于DEM的流域数字河网提取算法研究格网DEM地形模拟的形态保真度研究
A state machine with 28 states is designed in the CPLD to realize the digital channel display, time line display and trigging position display. 在CPLD里设计了一个具有28个状态的状态机来实现数据通道显示、时间线显示和触发位置显示。
The second chapter focus on the digital channel processing techniques for IF sampling software receivers. 第二章研究了中频采样软件接收机的数字信道处理技术。
We study a secure chaotic communication scheme based on Rossler system, modulating the information signal by active-passive method, and transmitting the chaotic signal which carries the secrete information signal through the standard digital channel. 研究了基于Rossler系统的主动-被动混沌调制保密通信系统,利用标准数字信道传输发送信号。
Meanwhile, also including the design of digital channel interface and software access interface scheme and focus on the discussion of application software's R& D ( Research and Development). 另外,还包括数字信道接口和软件访问接口方案的设计。本文重点从事应用软件的研制开发。
Then, the pulse density of the binary sequence from the 8448 kb/ s digital multiplex equipment using 2048 kb/ s primary group PCM is estimated, and the quasi-bit sequence independence of 8448 kb/ s digital channel is definitely described. 然后估计使用2048kb/sPCM基群的8448kb/s数字复用设备发送的数字序列的脉冲密度,并对8448kb/s数字通道的准比特序列独立性作具体的陈述。
Signal processing of digital channel receiver 数字信道化接收机的数字处理
In part three the design and realization of digital channel simulator is introduced. 第三部分主要是对数字信道模拟器的总体设计实现的研究。
This paper presents the results of a successful experiment and subjective evaluation of the transmission quality on teletext in a digital channel. 本文介绍了代码制图文电视数字信道的测试及图文电视质量的主观评价。
Applications of E1 digital channel in network connecting E1数字通道在联网中的应用
The real-time response measurement of a TDMA communication channel, 1. e. the burst-mode link analysis, is a necessary means for monitoring and equalization of the digital channel, and is an essential subject in the field of digital satellite communication. 时分多址信道的实时响应测量,即突发型信道分析技术,是监测和均衡该数字信道的必要手段和数字卫星通信领域的重要课题。
A novel discrete-time digital channel blind estimation algorithm is proposed, which reduces the complexity of the optimal estimation considerably by using the one-step branch transition rules of trellis. 该文提出了一种新的离散数字信道盲估计算法,运用格状图中的一步支路转移规则,大大削减了最佳估计所要求的计算量。
The Gilbert-Elliot Markov digital channel model ( GE model) is used for the channel model in digital mobile communication. The statistical characterization of burst error for this model is analyzed. 以Gilbert-Elliot数字信道模型(GE模型)作为数字移动通信信道模型,分析了该模型的突发误差(BurstError)统计特性。
Based on the characteristic of the chaotic secure communication system, transmitting the sending signal by the standard digital channel is proposed in this paper. 该文基于混沌保密通信系统特点,提出利用标准数字信道传输发送信号。
The digital channel receiver must have the ability of processing large number of data instantaneously to ensure the instantaneity of the system. 为了保证系统的实时性,数字信道化接收机要求具有实时分析处理大量数据的能力。
A Research on Some Key Techniques in the Digital Channel Simulator 数字信道模拟器关键技术研究
Digital channel blind estimation using Viterbi algorithm and the branch transition rules of trellis 运用格状图支路转移规则和Viterbi算法实现数字信号盲估计
The paper makes a study for speech quality evaluation of digital speech communication systems by means of a 2400 bit/ s digital channel vocoder. 利用数字式2400bit/s通道声码器作手段,研究数字语言通信系统的语言质量评价问题。在几种不同的传递条件下,进行了语言清晰度试验。
Influence of the digital channel to the pilot protection in transmission line 数字通道对纵联线路保护影响的探讨
The paper discusses different kinds of network connecting technique, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, and puts forward adopting SDH E1 digital channel to realize the network connection of electric power production management system. 文章从实际现状出发,详细分析了各种网络联网技术及其优缺点,提出以SDH光传输设备的E1数字通道实现电力生产管理系统联网的应用。
The value of analog/ digital channel was gathered and outputted digital signal to control actuator. 经采集模拟/数字量通道的值并输出数字量信号控制执行器。
Then it designs the cable digital TV front room for chenghai TV station, according to the existing concrete problems are given two sets of different scheme, and then designed the digital channel schedule. 接着为澄海电视台设计了有线数字电视前端机房,根据存在的具体问题给出了两套不同的方案,并设计了数字频道安排表。
The paper resolves the hard problems of analog signal area through digital signal area by transferring the various air radiation signals received by digital channel receiver to digital signals. 本文将信道化接收机接收到的空中各种辐射源信号转化为数字信号,在数字信号处理领域来解决模拟信号领域较难解决的问题。
This dissertation focus on the key techniques for IF sampling software receivers, emphases are put on digital channel processing, timing recovery, carrier recovery and demodulation algorithms. 本文研究中频采样软件接收机的若干关键技术,包括数字信道处理、定时恢复、载波恢复和多种信号的解调算法,并研究了DDS的杂散性能。
The author analysed the management mode and the functional requirements of the remote telemetry buoy system and further designed the network, basing on the developing idea and system operation mechanisms of Heilongjiang digital channel system. 分析了航标遥测遥控系统的管理模式和功能需求,结合黑龙江数字航道系统的开发思想、系统运行机制,详细设计了系统的网络结构。