chat rooms
chat room的复数
(因特网上的)聊天室A chat room is a site on the Internet where people can exchange messages about a particular subject.
Social networking sites like LinkedIn, blogs, and chat rooms are all great for introverts because you get to think and choose your words before you 'speak,'she points out. 她指出:向Linkedln这样的社交网站,博客还有聊天室对内向的人来说极好,因为你可以在’说‘之前做思考,选择要说的话。
Internet chat rooms are packed with frustrated CFA candidates. CFA考生在互联网聊天室里怨声载道。
For example, think of a secure chat application containing a number of chat rooms with several people in each room. 例如,考虑一个包含许多聊天室的安全聊天应用程序,其中每个聊天室都有几个人。
A close application to IM is group or multi-party messaging or the development of multi-user chat rooms. IM的封闭式应用包括小组或多方消息传递,或开发多用户聊天室。
Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources. 通过线上信息留言板,聊天室,邮件或其他网络方式和他们保持联系。
While some take place in chat rooms that users create to focus on a topic, anyone can join. 虽然用户可以创建主题聊天室,并在那里交谈,但任何人都可以加入聊天室。
The vast majority of chat rooms that exist today are bilateral chat rooms. 目前存在的绝大多数聊天室都是双边聊天室。
Many chat rooms focus the conversation on specific topics, such as politics or sports. 许多聊天室将交谈集中在特定的话题上,如政治或体育。
But you were saying about the chat rooms? 但你刚说聊天室什么?
But they did have records of visits to chat rooms. 但他们都去过聊天室。
Usually, a chat rooms name describes the topic people in it are supposed to discuss. 通常聊天室的名字代表了它里面所涉及的话题。
These chat rooms take up a lot of my time. 这些聊天室占去了我大量时间。
I just flirted in chat rooms and emails. 我只是徘徊在聊天室和电子邮件。
"Chat rooms don't lead to shallow and impersonal relationships," Gavin said in an interview. “聊天室不会导向浅薄、疏远的关系,”加文在采访中说。
Chat rooms and message boards focusing on movies. 聊天室和留言板侧重于电影。
Industry websites and chat rooms are full of debate about the potential conflicts. 行业网站和聊天室充斥着关于潜在冲突的讨论。
Some chat rooms cover technical topics and others focus on aspects of popular culture. 一些聊天室的话题涵盖技术方面的问题,另一些则关注大众文化方面的话题。
Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms. 在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室。
And if you're in chat rooms and they suggest meeting face-to-face. 如果在聊天室的话建议你们还是见见面。
It would impose stricter control over all internet traffic, including chat rooms, as well as inpidual bloggers. 它必定会导致互联网上更为严格的控制,包括聊天室和个人博客。
Officials say they learned about the plane on the Internet in chat rooms. 官员说,他们在网上聊天室获悉飞机。
This program supports people with access to chat rooms, first through the "Settings" module to set user network information, and to opt for chatting to chat. 此程序支持多人一起进入聊天室,首先要通过“设置”模块设置用户网络信息,然后才能选择聊天对象进行聊天。
Much of the research on online communication has looked at email, but it seems that many of the results can be generalised to apply to chat rooms and forums too. 许多网络传播的研究都集中在电子邮件上,然而我发现它的结论通常也能推广一下,应用到聊天室和论坛上。
Some systems also provide special chat rooms, particularly for chats with celebrities. 一些系统还提供特殊的可与知名人士聊天的聊天室。
Whether you use chat rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are part of a virtual community. 不管你使用聊天室、QQ、MSN还是ICQ,你都处在虚拟社区之中。
When you participate in chat rooms, don't interrupt others and stay on topic. 当你参与聊天时,不要打断其它人的话并且不要岔开话题。
Why go outside when you can stay in the chat rooms? 你可以待在房里为什么要外出?
Mobile ad hoc networks is a dynamic network, the dynamically joining and exiting of network node makes the network chat rooms facing a lot of security issues. 移动自组织网络是一种动态的网络,该网络中的结点的动态加入和退出使得网络聊天室面临很多的安全问题。
Go to Chat Rooms and meet new people or join a celebrity chat. 进入聊天室结识新朋友,或加入与名人聊天。
This is true even for non-face-to-face communication such as through online chat rooms or message sessions. 即使不是面对面的交流,例如发信息和网上聊天,这样的学习也真实存在。